绝地求生单机版下载_绝地求生单机版详情一览 绝地求生单机版是什么

更新时间:2020-12-15 来源:网络 点击:





Most Battle Royale games feature one thing in common: long periods of looting with very little action followed by brief bursts of intense combat. This can make it hard to gain enough shooting experience to come out on top in a firefight.

Battle Royale Trainer lets you practice your combat skills with a wide range of weapons, scopes and attachments against AI opponents and targets, honing your skills until you can snap-shoot, control recoil and head-shot your opponents at any distance like a pro.

Third-Person or First-Person view

Train on three different scenarios: Urban combat, Woodland sniping and an advanced Firing Range with magnified target view.

Choose your loadout from a wide range of carefully modelled weaponry including assault rifles, sniper rifles, SMGs and shotguns.

Advanced AI options such as reaction time and accuracy, or choose from a range of preset difficulty levels to gradually improve.

Huge range of scopes, sights and other attachments which accurately affect weapon handling.

Accurate hit-tracking with statistics to see where your shots are landing.

Fully modelled bullet physics with accurate bullet-drop and travel time help you practice your sniper skills.

Learn how to control recoil sway, peek and other advanced techniques.

Fully rebindable controls let you quickly and easily change and test your setup in a controlled environment.



操作系统: Windows 7, 8, 10

处理器: Intel Core i3-4340 / AMD FX-6300

内存: 6 GB RAM

图形: nVidia GeForce GTX 660 2GB / AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB

DirectX 版本: 10

存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间




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