
更新时间:2019-09-04 来源:热门资讯 点击:



/* */

/* procedure : up_GetPostedTopicList */

/* */

/* Description: 精华区贴子列表 */

/* */

/* Parameters: @a_intForumID : 版面id */

/* @a_intPageNo: 页号 */

/* @a_intPageSize: 每页显示数,以根贴为准 */

/* */

/* Use table: bbs , forum */

/* */

/* Author: bigeagle@163.net */

/* */

/* Date: 2000/2/14 */

/* */

/* History: */

/* */


if exists(select * from sysobjects where id = object_id("up_GetPostedTopicList"))

drop proc up_GetPostedTopicList


create proc up_GetPostedTopicList

@a_intForumID int ,

@a_intPageNo int ,

@a_intPageSize int



declare @intBeginID int

declare @intEndID int

declare @intRootRecordCount int

declare @intPageCount int

declare @intRowCount int


set nocount on


if not exists(select * from forum where id = @a_intForumID)

return (-1)


select @intRootRecordCount = count(*) from bbs where posted=1 and forumid=@a_intForumID

if (@intRootRecordCount = 0) --如果没有贴子,则返回零

return 0


if (@a_intPageNo - 1) * @a_intPageSize > @intRootRecordCount

return (-1)


set @intRowCount = (@a_intPageNo - 1) * @a_intPageSize + 1


set rowcount @intRowCount

select @intBeginID = rootid from bbs where posted=1 and forumid=@a_intForumID

order by id desc


set @intRowCount = @a_intPageNo * @a_intPageSize


set rowcount @intRowCount

select @intEndID = rootid from bbs where posted=1 and forumid=@a_intForumID

order by id desc


set rowcount 0

set nocount off

select a.id , a.layer , a.forumid , a.subject , a.faceid , a.hits , a.time , a.UserID , a.fatherid , a.rootid ,

"Bytes" = datalength(a.content) , b.UserName , b.Email , b.HomePage , b.Signature , b.Point

from bbs as a join BBSUser as b on a.UserID = b.ID

where posted=1 and Forumid=@a_intForumID and a.rootid between @intEndID and @intBeginID

order by a.rootid desc , a.ordernum desc


--select @@rowcount


select id , rootid , fatherid , forumid , posted from bbs

up_getpostedtopiclist 3 ,1 , 20


/* */

/* procedure : up_GetTopic */

/* */

/* Description: 取贴子 */

/* */

/* Parameters: @a_intTopicID : 贴子id */

/* */

/* Use table: bbs */

/* */

/* Author: bigeagle@163.net */

/* */

/* Date: 2000/2/16 */

/* */

/* History: */

/* */


if exists(select * from sysobjects where id = object_id("up_GetTopic"))

drop proc up_GetTopic


create proc up_GetTopic @a_intTopicID int



if not exists (select * from bbs where id = @a_intTopicID)

return (-1)


update bbs set hits = hits + 1 where id = @a_intTopicID

select a.* , "Bytes" = datalength(a.content) ,

b.UserName , b.Email , b.Homepage , b.point , b.Signature

from bbs as a join BBSUser as b on a.UserID = b.id

where a.id = @a_intTopicID


up_getTopic 11


/* */

/* procedure : up_DeleTopic */

/* */

/* Description: 删除贴子及子贴,更新发贴人信息 */

/* */

/* Parameters: @a_intTopicID : 贴子id */

/* */

/* Use table: bbs */

/* */

/* Author: bigeagle@163.net */

/* */

/* Date: 2000/2/24 */

/* */

/* History: */

/* */


if exists(select * from sysobjects where id = object_id("up_DeleTopic"))

drop proc up_DeleTopic


create proc up_DeleTopic @a_intTopicID int



declare @intRootID int

declare @intLayer int

declare @floatOrderNum float(53)

declare @floatNextOrderNum float(53)

declare @intCounts int

declare @intForumID int


set nocount on


select @intRootID = RootID ,

@floatOrderNum = OrderNum ,

@intLayer = layer ,

@intForumID = forumid

from bbs where id = @a_intTopicID

if @@rowcount = 0

return (-1)


select @FloatNextOrderNum = isnull(max(ordernum) , 0)

from bbs

where RootID=@intRootID

and layer=@intLayer and ordernum @floatNextOrderNum

and ordernum @m_intPoint

select * , "order" = @m_intOrder from bbsuser where username=@a_strUserName

set nocount off


up_getuserinfo "廖家远"


/* */

/* procedure : up_PostedTopic */

/* */

/* Description: 将贴子转入精华区 */

/* */

/* Parameters: @a_intTopicID 贴子id */

/* */

/* Use table: bbs, postedtopic */

/* */

/* Author: bigeagle@163.net */

/* */

/* Date: 2000/4/17 */

/* */

/* History: */

/* */


if exists(select * from sysobjects where id= object_id("up_postedtopic"))

drop proc up_postedtopic


create proc up_PostedTopic @a_intTopicID int



declare @m_intUserID int --发贴人ID


select @m_intUserID = userid from bbs where id = @a_intTopicID

if(@@rowcount != 1)

return -1


begin transaction

update bbs set posted = 1 where id = @a_intTopicID

if(@@error 0)

goto Error

update bbsuser set point = point + 3 where id = @m_intUserID

if(@@error 0)

goto Error

Commit transaction

return (0)


rollback transaction




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